Rogue 211's Bio

Angie Oliverson
Rogue 211

  • Name- Angie Oliverson
  • Content Area- ELA
  • Location- TX   USA
  • Current School- Harmony Hills
  • Grade Level- Elementary
  • Teaching Since- 1999
  • Twitter- @senoritao
  • Website-


How I Use Star Wars in the Classroom

I'm the school librarian so I make sure we have as many of the newest titles as we possibly can. My Yoda READ poster holds a place of honor, as well as some little signs and reading promotion bookmarks I've made with SW-inspired clip art (not official ... if they had official I would totally use those!). I wear my Star Wars Reads Day t-shirts with pride. We are big fans of the Origami Yoda series and regularly display folds and other SW "maker" projects. I am ANXIOUSLY awaiting the Sphero robot release because we will have one at the school as soon as humanly possible! I am thinking of SW as an entire "theme" for the library space for next year in honor of the new movie and tying in SW into more library lessons!

Available Resources

**All information shared with permission.